The Best CSS Framework For Svelte

Published Dec 11, 2022

Table of Contents


Pico.css is one of my favorite CSS frameworks to use with Svelte and here’s how to set it up and customize it.

Install Pico.css.

npm i @picocss/pico

Import it inside your layout.

<script lang="ts">
  import '@picocss/pico'
  import '../app.css'

<slot />

This is how simple it to turn a checkbox into a switch.

<input type="checkbox" role="switch" />


You can use CSS variables to customize Pico.

:root {
  --primary: aqua;

Here are the values you can customize and you can learn more from the Pico docs.

If you’re using Sass you can import the components you need from Pico including a custom theme and keep it up to date.

/* custom version */

// theme
@import "@picocss/pico/scss/themes/default";

// import components you need
@import "@picocss/pico/scss/content/button";
@import "@picocss/pico/scss/content/form";

You can look at the pico.scss example to see every component.